EMEA Speakers

The Immunity Broadcast series covering EMEA will be take place on 28 June and will last approximately 1.5hours. We are currently recruiting speakers for this event. Please pop back as this page is being updated frequently.  

Register to watch on-demand

Our Hosts

Kavitha Sivasubramaniam
Senior Editor


Will Chu
Science Editor


28 June | 11am CET

Immunity EMEA Interactive Broadcast Event

Ruud Albers


Dr. Justin Green

EpiCor Postbiotic (A Cargill Brand)

Dr. Karsten Krüger

Justus-Liebig-University Gießen, Germany

Dr. Lena Leder

Kappa Bioscience

Mark JS Miller, PhD, MBA, FACN, CNS

Kaiviti Consulting


The Immunity EMEA Broadcast Event is FREE to attend but pre-registration is required. Don’t miss out on informative presentations, engaging panels discussions, live interaction and on-demand content, REGISTER today.

Register to watch on-demand